About S2S

At Studio 2 Stage, our main goal is to support and encourage dancers of all abilities, specifically novice or beginner dancers, those who require stage exposure and dancers who have not attended many, if any, dance competitions.
Studio 2 Stage has been designed to encourage competitors whilst also exposing them to all aspects of the competitive dance world including checking in, music uploads, performing on stage, adjudication and video critiques.
It is our belief that getting up on stage in itself deserves recognition, and as such every routine that is performed will be rewarded with a performer trophy. Then, at the conclusion of the competition, a short award ceremony will be held on stage to present those dancers who have been selected to receive a bonus award.
August 6th - 7th 2022 at the Ken Thompson Theatre, Gladstone Park VIC
Adjudicators: TBC
What sections are available to enter at S2S?
S2S currently offer solo sections in the below age groups and styles:
Under 6, 6 and Under 8, 8 and Under 10, 10 and Under 12, 12 and Under 14, 14 and Under 16, Open Age and Adult
Jazz, Tap, Song and Dance / Song and Tap, Hip Hop, Lyrical, Contemporary, Neo, Classical, Character and Acrobatics.
At this stage, S2S are not offering Duo, Trio, Quad or Troupe sections
Who can enter?
Although anyone is able to enter, S2S has been created with the following types of dancers in mind:
* Novice dancers
* Beginner dancers
* Dancers who require stage exposure and experience
* Dancers who have not attended many, if any, dance competitions
* Dancers who attend dance competitions however do not regularly place
If my child enters and performs 5 solos, how many performer trophies will
he / she receive?
Every routine that is performed is rewarded with one performer trophy. If your child enters and performs 5 solos then they will be rewarded 5 performer trophies.
Do you award a 1st, 2nd and 3rd?
No, at S2S we do not award a 1st, 2nd or 3rd in any of our sections. As our main goal is to encourage and support all dancers, everybody receives the same award at the conclusion of each section (one performer trophy per competitor per section).
However, throughout the competition, adjudicators and staff carefully observe and take note of dancers who they think are deserving of receiving a bonus award. These dancers will be notified that they have been nominated for a bonus award and will be required to be present during the award ceremony held on the last night of the competition. Dancers who win a bonus will be presented with a large trophy on stage.
Because there are no places awarded, competing at S2S, receiving performer trophies or bonus awards will not change your status at other dance competitions ie. if your child was a novice competitor before competing at S2S they will remain a novice competitor after S2S.
What bonus awards will be presented at the award ceremony?
The following bonus awards may be presented during the S2S award ceremony where dancers will receive a large trophy:
* Top 3 Highest Scoring Juniors (Under 12)
* Top 3 Highest Scoring Seniors (12 years and over)
* Picture Perfect award
* Fierce Face award
* Most Potential award
* Dressed to Impress award
* Spectacular Smile award
* Perfect Point award
* Rising Star award
* Cutie Patootie award
* Funky Freak award
* Born to Entertain award
* Musicality award
* Tip Top Tapper award
* Directors choice award
* Sportsmanship award
Where do we enter?
Entries will be available to complete online and will close on 01/07/2022 or when entries reach full capacity.
What forms of music do you accept and when do we supply our music?
All music must be uploaded via Dropbox. An email with instructions will be sent out once entries close. We also suggest bringing a backup copy of your music on a USB, iPod, iPad or phone (with a dongle if necessary).
Where can I find a copy of the program?
A digital copy of the program will be available for download 2 weeks prior to the competition. This PDF version of the program can then be shared with family and friends. A limited number of hard copy programs will also be available for purchase on the day which can make for an excellent memento, especially if this is your child's first dance competition.
When will we receive our video critiques?
Video critiques will be available for download for the same Dropbox used for music uploads a few hours after your performance.
Where can I view a full copy of your Rules and Regulations?
You can download a copy of our Rules and Regulations by clicking here.
Do you have another question?
Email us today at admin@studio2stagedancecompetition.com